Sunday, August 24, 2008

Separating the stars from the scraps when it comes to savings sites.

Separating the stars from the scraps when it comes to savings sites.
(By Brandy Voiles - Talk Back Contributer)
" Like most moms, I'm always on the lookout for good coupon websites. I've always relied pretty heavily on manufacturer websites, as they seem to be more user friendly and often more "bang for your buck," meaning they tend to offer higher dollar coupons. Lately, though, I've been trying out the world of those all-encompassing sites offering everything from grocery coupons to free shipping codes at specialty internet retailers. The best by far of the three I've checked out......"Read More


Anonymous said...

It seems that the search for money saving coupons is never ending. The coupons that come in the mail are great but not enough for this super saver. I find myself setting out on an Internet adventure at least one a week, scouring web sites for any deals available. Brandy Voiles addresses some of the most important issues to remember when searching the net for that elusive deal. Be patient! It will take time to print out the coupons. While the printer is humming away, I like to sit back and think of all the ways I can put my well-earned savings to use. Find a site that you are comfortable with. There are many out there but only a couple may be right for you. Take the time to check out a few sites and see what they have to offer. Reading this article really made me grateful to be living in this day and age. We have a way to connect with a community of people just like us, who want to help make life just that much easier for each other. I look at it this way, the time spent browsing the web looking for ways to save a little extra money is a small price to pay for the conveniences our mother's didn't have.

Tiffany said...

It is inevitable in today’s economic situation that we all look at what and how we spend our money. Our “times” seem to truly personify the statement “every penny counts”. However, using the right discount sites and offers can definitely make a difference in your bottom line. I have found that it is so important to not only find legitimate sources for savings but also to network with others who are also searching. It’s like discount karma, you throw in some good information and you get good information back. One can spend hours on the internet looking for what they need and researching every offer, but let’s face it, just as we are short on funds today, we are also short on time. If you have found trusted sites that tell you where the savings are and take the guess work out of the equation why not piggyback on their research? Saving can tend to be a specialized craft, but really it’s all about smart shopping and learning the tricks of the trade.